Friday, July 3, 2009

Case Study #1

Case Study Questions And Answers:

1. Could the 2004 Athens Olympics have been a successwithout all of the networks and backup technologies?
-> Not really a successful one because the major events rely on the said system that Atos Origin developed.

2. The 2004 Olympics is a global business. Can a businesstoday succeed without information technology? Whyor why not?
-> There are businesses that are globally comptetive, but developing an on-line business would help business mens increase their profit. There are some existing but, they have the difficulties in introducing their products and/or services worldwide.

3. Claude Philipps said dealing with “crazy scenarios ofwhat might happen in every area: a network problem,staff stopped in a traffic jam, a security attack . . . everythingthat might happen,” was the reason for so muchtesting. Can you think of other businesses that wouldrequire “crazy scenario” testing? Explain.
-> Other scenario like a terrorist attack might happen, we cannot predict the minds of the other people. In this case, dealing with it will be so much difficult just like the attack in the tower in New York, its unpredictable. But as long as they deal with it and make solutions to every possibilities would greatly help their system up and running without obstructions.

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